Title : Hayate No Gotoku!
Episodes : Season 1(52 episodes), Season 2 (25 episodes).[Good ending]
Genres : Comedy, Parody, Romance, Action, Harem
Summary : Abandoned by his parents and given a monumentally large debt as a Christmas present, 16-year old Ayasaki Hayate is at the lowest point of his life. Desperately trying alter his hapless fate, he decides to kidnap someone to hold for a ransom. Due to an ill choice of words, the girl he tries to kidnap misunderstands the action as a confession of love. His plan is totally crushed when he gives his real name out. Realizing his wrongdoing, Hayate proceeds to rescue the girl from the yakuza, who had instead kidnapped her. The girl, as a token of thanks, offers Hayate a job as her butler. Hayate, overwhelmed by her kindness, vows to protect her even at the cost of his life.
You can watch it at
Goodanime or Animefreak(
S1 /
S2), and you can also download the anime at Animetake (
S1 /
(Note : This anime is very recommend for you who loves romance, parody, and comedy!)
Enjoy ! and have a good day!